Justin Norton
Senior Content Director

The Three Biggest Misconceptions of AI and How PR Can Help

June 6, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest topics of our time. U.S. President Joe Biden held a meeting with CEOs of AI companies in the Spring of 2023 to discuss AI risks. Chat GPT generates daily headlines, whether for causing a stock market ruckus or issues with AI-powered cheating. Writers detail eerie exchanges with artificial intelligence or tell the world they are dating chatbots.

Sadly, much of what you read about AI is sensationalistic. The public’s understanding of the technology has changed little in the past ten years. PR can work to change these misconceptions and help businesses tell the whole story. While there are valid concerns about AI and the use of big data, many of these concerns are overblown or misunderstood.

At MGP, we’ve worked with multiple clients pioneering AI solutions in industries including agtech, the metaverse and cloud computing. In each instance, AI and ML (Machine Learning) are used for the greater good – helping small businesses compete with e-commerce giants like Amazon or increasing access to fresh, healthy food. To help demystify artificial intelligence, let’s dive into some of the biggest misconceptions of AI and talk about how better public relations could tell the full, nuanced story.

Misconception 1: AI Will End the World: Sadly, most people understand AI based on science fiction and unconnected from reality. The biggest threat from AI comes from humans that use the technology for ill intent or guide it to do something nefarious. AI is a tool – a powerful one – but one that will always need human hands. Please park those fears about Skynet and Terminators.

These headlines also don’t tell the complete story. In many instances, AI can help humanity thrive. One example is the food supply chain, where AI can target and eliminate pests and offers novel ways to farm and grow new, sustainable food sources. PR should help AI companies tell stories of progress and hope.

Misconception 2: AI Is a Job Killer: Jobs will go away due to artificial intelligence. But AI is also creating new industries and job categories. As mentioned above, AI depends on the right human hands. As AI technology becomes increasingly common, skilled hands must guide it. AX Semantics is a pioneer of content generation software. Unless writers feel like writing hundreds of thousands of pages of Amazon catalog copy, it’s not taking jobs away from writers. However, content creation software will lead to new “hybrid” jobs that require writing chops and AI savvy. Many other industries are also adding AI jobs and creating new types of work. PR can help tell the whole story: Some jobs will go away with AI, but it will also create new job categories.

Misconception 3: My Business Will Never Need AI: Many businesses seem ready to gamble and sit out on AI. It’s the same gamble businesses that sat out e-commerce or sales via social media made. While some skepticism is needed, companies should know that their competitors will likely use AI for an advantage, whether mining big data to serve customers better or making simple functions like password resetting easy via chatbots. Many claim AI will further reimagine how businesses work. PR should help enterprises to communicate that trying to avoid risk by sitting AI out poses the risk of being left behind and losing customers.

AI has tremendous promise to change lives for the better. We need to be mindful of the risks, but not at the expense of showcasing all the places AI can help. Public relations should help elevate the discussion and ensure it is grounded in reality.

Need a PR firm that understands artificial intelligence and helps you tell your AI story? Mercury Global Partners is an “all senior” tech PR firm that’s helped many AI companies find and tell their stories. Drop us an email at hello@wearemgp.com to learn more.

Justin Norton
Senior Content Director

The Three Biggest Misconceptions of AI and How PR Can Help

June 6, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest topics of our time. U.S. President Joe Biden held a meeting with CEOs of AI companies in the Spring of 2023 to discuss AI risks. Chat GPT generates daily headlines, whether for causing a stock market ruckus or issues with AI-powered cheating. Writers detail eerie exchanges with artificial intelligence or tell the world they are dating chatbots.

Sadly, much of what you read about AI is sensationalistic. The public’s understanding of the technology has changed little in the past ten years. PR can work to change these misconceptions and help businesses tell the whole story. While there are valid concerns about AI and the use of big data, many of these concerns are overblown or misunderstood.

At MGP, we’ve worked with multiple clients pioneering AI solutions in industries including agtech, the metaverse and cloud computing. In each instance, AI and ML (Machine Learning) are used for the greater good – helping small businesses compete with e-commerce giants like Amazon or increasing access to fresh, healthy food. To help demystify artificial intelligence, let’s dive into some of the biggest misconceptions of AI and talk about how better public relations could tell the full, nuanced story.

Misconception 1: AI Will End the World: Sadly, most people understand AI based on science fiction and unconnected from reality. The biggest threat from AI comes from humans that use the technology for ill intent or guide it to do something nefarious. AI is a tool – a powerful one – but one that will always need human hands. Please park those fears about Skynet and Terminators.

These headlines also don’t tell the complete story. In many instances, AI can help humanity thrive. One example is the food supply chain, where AI can target and eliminate pests and offers novel ways to farm and grow new, sustainable food sources. PR should help AI companies tell stories of progress and hope.

Misconception 2: AI Is a Job Killer: Jobs will go away due to artificial intelligence. But AI is also creating new industries and job categories. As mentioned above, AI depends on the right human hands. As AI technology becomes increasingly common, skilled hands must guide it. AX Semantics is a pioneer of content generation software. Unless writers feel like writing hundreds of thousands of pages of Amazon catalog copy, it’s not taking jobs away from writers. However, content creation software will lead to new “hybrid” jobs that require writing chops and AI savvy. Many other industries are also adding AI jobs and creating new types of work. PR can help tell the whole story: Some jobs will go away with AI, but it will also create new job categories.

Misconception 3: My Business Will Never Need AI: Many businesses seem ready to gamble and sit out on AI. It’s the same gamble businesses that sat out e-commerce or sales via social media made. While some skepticism is needed, companies should know that their competitors will likely use AI for an advantage, whether mining big data to serve customers better or making simple functions like password resetting easy via chatbots. Many claim AI will further reimagine how businesses work. PR should help enterprises to communicate that trying to avoid risk by sitting AI out poses the risk of being left behind and losing customers.

AI has tremendous promise to change lives for the better. We need to be mindful of the risks, but not at the expense of showcasing all the places AI can help. Public relations should help elevate the discussion and ensure it is grounded in reality.

Need a PR firm that understands artificial intelligence and helps you tell your AI story? Mercury Global Partners is an “all senior” tech PR firm that’s helped many AI companies find and tell their stories. Drop us an email at hello@wearemgp.com to learn more.